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          主页-安卓资讯-平板评测- 看!那个用iPad Pro来创作的音乐家,他真的太酷了(3)

          看!那个用iPad Pro来创作的音乐家,他真的太酷了(3)

          2019-11-05 11:13 作者:安卓在线 来源:网络整理 浏览: 次

          摘要::iPad Pro,iPad,苹果刚开始,缺少了物理翻页Johan并没有以为这是一个出格开心的工作,因为不太习惯于在iPad长举办翻页。为了办理这个问题,Johan又找到了Plusadd公司开拓的软

          刚开始,缺少了物理翻页Johan并没有以为这是一个出格开心的工作,因为不太习惯于在iPad长举办翻页。为了办理这个问题,Johan又找到了Plusadd公司开拓的软件App Piascore,Piascore这个App可以配置把头倾斜到必然的角度的来举办翻页,所以Johan在钢琴演奏中只需在弹到页尾的时候歪一下头,曲谱就自动翻页了。最重要的是,他此刻不只可以在曲谱上写下本身的标志,并且还可以针对演唱部门输入用英语以外的其他语言编写的译文。这些曲谱和标志都可以整齐得储存在Dropbox里。在那之后Johan就在彩排和演出时就不再需要翻页机了。

          However this feature had obvious problems. Not all tilts are the same; sometimes the page would not turn, or too many would turn. And sometimes an emotional flick of the hair while in the the throes of the opening bars of Kachatryan’s Armenian concerto could frustrate things. With some research Johan found a device made by PageFlip’s Firefly; an innovative Bluetooth device with a pedal on each “wing” to advance or go back a page on a particular document running on an iPad. He used this device to this day. It has never failed him. 


          As his library on piaScore grew along with the demand for his skill. PiaScore began to crash under the pressure of too many documents. Irritating lag when a large file was running. Johan started using forScore LLC’s App forScore. This supported his wildly scribbled notes in scores.  As he no longer needed the head-tilt feature which this app did not support anyway, things were just right.  Then he got the job offer. 

          跟着Johan演奏技能的增长,他在Piascore里的文件也越来越多。成堆的文件使Piascore常常瓦解。出格是运行大型文件时的卡顿感相当明明。Johan开始利用forScore LLC公司开拓的的forScore App。这款App支持了他在曲谱长举办潦草的条记使得标志更利便,再打开大型文件也不会瓦解和明明的卡顿。所以这款app对付他正符合。再那之后他拿到了事情邀约。 

          forScore App
          forScore App

          “Come to China” they said. And so he did. The same trusty iPad, forScore and firefly cause people to take notice of him immediately. He became known as the pianist with the iPad while other musicians lugged around piles of photocopied and stapled paper. 


          Being responsible for his own department at HuaQiao University gave him the idea to start an orchestra. But with limited instruments he would need to write his own orchestra reductions. forScore was put aside while he bought an app which has been a massive investment that has certainly paid off. Notion by NotionInc. He was now able to split full scores into orchestral parts. He found the sound library more appealing than that provided by other such software, and for a lower price. 

          iPad Pro,iPad,苹果http://www.chinarand.com/news/pingbanpingce/3902.html


          看!那个用iPad Pro来创作的音乐家,他真的太酷了(3)

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